Ideally Idle


Idleness resembles not the devil, nor does she find our hands to be a vast playground. Such things conjure robust and fantastic imagery and idleness does not lay claim to these things.


Idleness is a steaming cup of coffee, a promising instrument of production and a beacon of rejuvenation that instead lingers over a flick through the paper, a page turn in a novel.


We do not seek idleness; rather she seeks us out in the breath of our adamant protest. We find ourselves deserving of solitude and relaxation and we openly proclaim this, yet to confess idleness is to admit to sin.


We are acutely aware of her presence and her careful place next to the last cookie in the jar.


To be idle is to challenge the essence of the country’s origin story; an empire founded upon protestant principles that sits atop the hunched back of productivity; to be idle is to worship idolatry in a monotheistic land.


Color Me, California

  I’m back in California for the holidaze and am immediately reminded of its vibrancy. New York’s too cool for colors so the saturation spilled over into the West Coast. I’m rediscovering what little clothing I had left back home and it’s all sequins, patterns and irie feelings…here are some pictures that are my chakras incarnated.color1





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The Audacity Welcomes You…


After a prolonged hiatus of soul searching and city hopping, it’s time to finish what I’ve started. The Audacity began as a mandatory blog for school and ended as an outlet for whimsy. I’ve since been updating only the tumblr page, the cousin site if you will, to The Audacity. However, since graduating from college and job hunting in New York (I’ve discovered ‘Job hunt’ and ‘New York’ coexist together like lunchmeat and wonder bread ), I figure now is the time: the time to live audaciously and without trepidation; to sever self-consciousness  with sass. You get it. We’ve got it.

Moody Monday Pick Me Up

Early by 20 minutes, so sue me…don’t be angry it’s Monday. Partake, instead, in some Kenneth Anger magic.

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Comeback Kid


I am quite ashamed and relatively distraught at having neglected my humble blog for so long…but today (ahem, tonight), I am turning over a new leaf and gettin back into the swing of things. (Pardon the cliches, it’s been a damn minute…!)

My first order of business in all things audacious is this video. That’s it. Only because very little explanation is needed considering the female character is the wonderous Emma Koenig, the female Millennial’s answer to all things angst. Koenig birthed the widely-acclaimed blog, “Fuck I’m in my 20s” which went on to become a book. And if you’ve shopped the gift section at Urban Outfitters (you most likely have if you are an angst-ridden millennial), then you will find her book of hysterical blog posts on the travails of early adulthood. You will most likely find a copy directly next to the cooking with cannabis books. Koenig’s blog/book/video aren’t anything new, but they are timeless. Enjoy.

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Sugar, Spice and Everything Gatsby


“There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams — not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion. It had gone beyond her, beyond everything. He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.” 



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Moody Monday Pick Me up

Moody Monday Pick Me up

Ahh Lindsay, where art thou pomp and circumstance gone?

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My Fashion School Daily Blog Post, Covering Suzy Menkes, and Max and Lubov Azria!

My Fashion School Daily Blog Post, Covering Suzy Menkes, and Max and Lubov Azria!

Check out my coverage of the Academy of Art’s School of Fashion spring 2013 symposium with fashion journalist, Suzy Menkes and BCBGMAXAZRIA designers, Max and Lubov Azria.

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1920’s inspired photoshoot I styled. Shot in San Francisco’s Sir Francis Drake Hotel.

Photography: Aldo Carrera
Model: Gaby Pena
Styling: Alex Suarez
Makeup: Sean with Bobbi Brown Cosmetics